Pipes and Terrariums cont.

July 30th, 2009


continued from July 28th post, Pipes and Terrariums

Curt Reinhardt working on his terrarium.

In this picture Gramp is working on his terrarium with the long tools he custom made for doing so. One of his aquariums is in the background as is a small frog lamp that I later gave my friend, Ilene, who used to collect frogs.

Smoking pipes carved by Curt Reinhardt

Pipes carved by Curt Reinhardt.

Educated as an engineer, Gramp had no formal art training, but taught himself to carve pipes. I used to love looking at them as a child—the detail of the Indian Chief’s feathers and the humor of the dachshund (at about 10 o’clock) who is so long he encircles the pipe allowing him to sniff himself! The pipes now belong to my nephew, Jonna.