Archive for September, 2008


September 13th, 2008

Speaking of the end of things…
We have had our photography/design studio at the same location for many years. Here is a picture of it several years ago and if one looks closely one can see the reason for change. The large format camera on the left uses sheets of film. This studio had lots of space devoted to film—loading film, developing film and printing prints—at least 3 darkrooms. We don’t shoot film anymore and haven’t for a number of years.

emmott inc. years ago
Shooting space a number of years ago

So…we are reconfiguring the space—ripping out everything—dividing it in two and using half to create a brand new studio. It’s exciting on one hand but bitter sweet as the old one is being demolished!

emmott inc. years ago
Same view yesterday!

end of summer

September 8th, 2008

Sat we had the remnants of a late summer hurricane—lots a rain, which we needed—then Sun was beautiful so we went ‘down the shore’.

color wash

color wash

color wash