Archive for August, 2009

Up in the morning and off to school . . .

August 26th, 2009

School started this week. I teach two courses at Philadelphia University. Graphic Design at the sophomores level and an elective, Digital Imaging. It’s a long day 8–5. Every year I loose my voice the first day.( It comes back by the second.)

I like working with the students. They keep me fresh and hopefully I teach them something. I’m also always forced to update my software skills which is a good thing.

“Hail, hail, rock and roll.”


August 22nd, 2009

My nephew, Jonna, will very shortly be deployed to Afghanistan. He expects to see action very soon. It is his choice, how he wants to spend his life. It is not easy for the rest of us, as proud of him as we are. His grandmother’s reaction when she heard he was signing up was, “He’ll be very good, he’s bright, intelligent, can climb trees like a monkey and sit still like a ninja”.
God speed Jonna.
with love.


August 16th, 2009

The lichen in the title heading above is growing on a foundation stone from a house believed to have been built in about 1628 by John Alden in Duxbury, MA. I removed my previous header images but they may be see HERE.

First Tomato of 2009

August 9th, 2009

I know there are all sorts of considerations in growing tomatoes but one of our major worries is to beat the squirrels to them. Many times we watch and watch as the tomato ripens and then go out to pick it only to see a big chunk eaten away. Guess we aren’t the only ones watching. But at least this year the first tomato is perfect.

first tomato

Rained all morning

Green Tomatoes

More on the way!

bird bath

Bird Bath in a corner of the garden, after the rain.

Strasburg Railroad

August 3rd, 2009

Saturday was hot and we decided to get out of town. Jane and Drew came up and we drove to Strasburg PA in Lancaster to the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania and the Strasburg Railroad. Bob has been into model trains since he was little—this led to the model building and set construction he does with his photography. I featured his model trains on one of our holiday cards. A chance to see the BIG BOYS has been on the list for a long time.

Oiling the Strasburg train

Oiling the Strasburg train

We also stopped at the Strasburg Train Shop which is a very large model shop, had lunch at the little cafe nearby and drove by the Red Caboose Motel where one could stay overnight in a real caboose if one so desired—we didn’t but it’s something to see. Nearly 50 refurbished cabooses, all painted with their original colors and logos (we’re designers so logo’s are important) set up in the Pennsylvania Dutch country side is a hoot.