Archive for October, 2009

Happy Halloween!

October 31st, 2009

The big pumpkin above will be carved . . .
The one @ Boo! already has been.


October 28th, 2009

GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, GO, . . .

Speaking of weaving . . .

October 26th, 2009

Yesterday we were photographing cranberry bogs in NJ and I saw this wonderful weaver’s nest.

Weaver's nest

Abandoned Weaver’s nest.

I had a life as a weaver.

October 12th, 2009

I had a life as a weaver. I was given a loom that belonged to my grandmother’s cousin. It was an older four harness, counterbalance, home made, maple loom. It was very sturdy and very heavy. I still have it—stored in my attic. I have a smaller portable Harrisville loom which I still have set up in a guest room with the wild idea that I may use it again…
I also had a 60 inch AVL Dobby loom which I have since sold.

I mainly made clothing, enjoying the mix of colors and textures. I enjoyed details and designing clothing which made use of shapes as they came off the loom. I loved trying to figure things out.

Now the computer gives me all the “figuring out” I need but I still spin yarn from time to time. It’s sort of a Zen, meditative thing—and the yarn piles up and up.

My first loom

My first loom

Samples of my weaving are on Flickr.

Something’s Fishy

October 9th, 2009

I maintain a design/photography studio with my husband and business partner, Bob Emmott. We are located in Center City, Philadelphia. Our web site is
When business gets a little slow we will give ourselves assignments. Some thing we don’t necessarily get to shoot for clients. This summer we spent time photographing on location at a commercial fishing pier in NJ. One particular day they were especially busy with boat loads of yellowfin tuna, swordfish, bluefish and croaker.

October Sunday

October 5th, 2009

Yesterday was a very nice day. Beautiful fall day. Worked in the garden, nice lunch, read a little, carded some wool, dinner with music and later, a little TV. Lazy and very relaxing.

Today was also beautiful but not so relaxing—back to work. I did get to update the image at the top of the page to one of pumpkins on our side porch. (View older header images.)