Archive for February, 2010

They came to their senses. . .

February 11th, 2010

Philau is closed for Thurs. I had already assigned work to my students in case of closure and am glad they don’t have to be on the roads today. What with computers and plenty of heads up most people in my field can work from home—when they aren’t shoveling out! Don’t know if that’s a plus or not but it suits me.
I’m busy updating my Final Cut and DVD Studio Pro skills for an upcoming job and can use all the concentrated time I can get. Friends say they are sorry that I have to do all this but this is what I do, what I like to do. And all I learn goes directly into my class room as it becomes who I am.

Crazy Snow!

February 10th, 2010


and it’s still snowing in Philadelphia! The mayor has closed down the city – all bus service is stopped, highways closed and Philadelphia University is planning on starting at 10:00 in the am.

Historic Costumes

February 1st, 2010

More snow – I guess the garden will wait. In the mean time things have been pretty busy. Among other things I worked on a flyer for The Costume Society of America and last week on a photo shoot of a 1955 gown by Luis Estevez. Totally separate events but both dealing with historic costumes. Funny how things come in bunches.