Archive for January, 2011

Snow story

January 30th, 2011

It snowed several days ago and the sun has been out since and there is still snow frozen to the sides of the hemlocks outside my window. My garden is covered with snow.

© Snow on hemlocks

But I’m inside, all cozy.

The birds love the bird feeders and the squirrels are crazy trying to get to them, so I give them bread crusts and they are fat and happy.

First drawing made on my new Ipad

January 24th, 2011

This thing is so cool. Using a sketchbook app—just draw with your finger—every once and a while I get carried away and try to draw with several fingers and that doesn’t work. . .

© fireplace

First Ipad drawing – My Fireplace!

Surprising all the features this app has – colors, fonts, layers, different brushes, opacity, etc…

You can download this app for the Ipad at: Itunes. Oprah has a special version of this app for free—this month only—through the O magazine. Check it out.

Happy New Year!

January 1st, 2011

Changed the header to an image taken early this am on a hike in the Wissahickon Valley in Philadelphia. So many hopes and plans for the new year. One is to slow down and enjoy what is all around us.