Archive for February, 2011

So much for spring. . .

February 21st, 2011

White dusting on the lawn with more slush and snow tonight. At least I had a glimpse of things to come!

Spring is down there. . .

February 20th, 2011

The snow has finally melted – there’s more on they way – but I can finally see what’s peeking about in my garden and if I look very close I can see some fat buds on the forsythia and more exciting are the little bumps of daffodils poking through the leaves!

© Daffodils peaking about © Daffodils peaking about

Come on Spring!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14th, 2011

Forget the candy, forget the flowers, forget the gifts. Just to have a day to celebrate Love and Joy is a very good thing. (I do love to get flowers in bleak Feburary, but spring flowers, like tulips!)

© Opening Heart

Yea a a a a!


February 10th, 2011

This has been a long cold, icy winter and I decided as a counterpoint to it I would update my Facebook profile image every day from Feb 1st to Feb 14th with different hearts I drew. (Select image for larger view.)

© Mr. Heart

© Martini Heart© Milk and Cookies Heart© Angry Heart

© Film Heart© Painter Heart© Bikini Heart

© Shoe Heart© Earth Heart© Car Heart

© Cup of Tea© Tower Heart© Fish Gal Heart

Click here for final image: Happy Valentine’s Day!