Archive for November, 2012

Form and Function

November 26th, 2012

flower seeds flower seeds

I took this image last summer in Canada. I love the way it evolved to do it’s job so well! Break apart and blow about! And it’s beautiful—form and function!

Glass Ball with type

November 24th, 2012

Glass Ball with type

I have a large glass ball. It was once a round-bottom flask that we had the neck cut off for a shot. I keep it in my studio with a tiny wrought iron table that I keep in it and I change things I set on the table from time to time. Today I placed 4 pieces of type, 3 wooden and one metal.

They are all e’s (for Emmott).


November 23rd, 2012

Thanksgiving drawing

Yesterday was Thanksgiving.
This was my Facebook drawing for the day.


November 12th, 2012

Arlington National Cemetery

Ten days ago I watched my parents be buried in Arlington National Cemetery. It was a very cold windy day. The service was poignant. I was surrounded by friends and family yet I felt like a lone witness.