Archive for May, 2013

Trip south part one

May 29th, 2013

Road trip, spring 2013 was great. Our main destination was my brother’s new home in TN but we took some extra time to drive through the mountains and add to our portfolios on the way. We had never been in that part of the country. This was a terrific time to go—the mountains were still turning to spring and the base was summer, next stage up was all spring greens, further up was pastels of flowering trees and spring buds and the top was bare trees—we drove in and out of spring for days.

Blue Ridge Parkway
You can see spring creeping up the mountain!

We stayed in B&B’s (not a doily in sight, thank you) and Inns where we met very interesting people. The first was the Dutch Haus in Montebello, VA. Two Appalachian Trail hikers were also staying there, a man who was doing the whole trail in one shot and the other, a woman who was doing a part each year. We ate dinner there (family style) as it is up and up and up the mountain and far from anything—good food and great conversation.
The next night was spent in Boone NC as I wanted to go to Cheap Joe’s. We stayed at the Lovill House Inn (great southern hospitality), and had dinner at Char. Being a University town (Appalachian State University) and County seat, Boone and neighboring, Blowing Rock have lots of restaurants and shops. It is still high in the mountains and has great mountain air.
The last evening before hitting TN we stayed at the Hemlock Inn in a room with a private deck looking over the forest. Again up and up and up so meals come with the room, All meals were served family style so once again we met interesting people. (My reading of the area since has shown this family style eating was historically typical of remote mountain lodging.) The talk at breakfast was of the black bear who got into the trash the night before. From all our hiking etc, we slept through this adventure!
Then over the Smokies to TN. A tail for another post.

ps: Don’t expect much cell or internet service in the mountains—in fact on the parkways—NONE!

Blue Ridge Parkway

May 25th, 2013

From time to time we take time to work on our portfolios. My brother and his wife have moved to TN and as we missed them and had never been to TN, the Skyline Drive, or the Blue Ridge Parkway we combined a visit with a scouting trip.

Blue Ridge Parkway
This may find it’s way into a painting

We drove, we photographed, we hiked, we read, we met interesting people and we had a most wonderful time. Every turn—and there were many—had one incredible view after another. I didn’t take paints as there just wasn’t time but I will work with some of my images and a future trip, staying in one place for a while is in it our minds. I did go to Cheap Joe’s Art Supply in Boone, NC for a shelf for my plein air easel!


May 25th, 2013

My blog, “Thoughts”, was down due to a problem with my server.

In the mean time, I put up three images of Pennsylvania Viaducts I shot in April—wanted to get them before the trees leaf out and then later when summer is in full swing. Now that the blog is back, I’m re-posting them.

Starrucca Viaduct
Starrucca Viaduct: built 1848

Tuckhannock Viaduct

Tuckhannock Viaduct: built 1915

Martin's Creek Viaduct
Martin’s Creek Viaduct: built 1915

Plein Air Test

May 25th, 2013

This past March we went to VA to visit my brother Curt. I tool my painting supplies as I have not painted outside (en plein air) in a very long time and I wanted to give it a try in a controlled environment (the condo balcony). It was pretty nippy (COLD) but since I set out to do this, I did. Bundled up with my wool finger-tipless mits.

Plein Air Easel
En plein air setup.