Archive for September, 2013


September 16th, 2013

Was going through some old files this weekend and came across things from when I first started working with fibers. I had been given an old walking wheel that my grandfather said had been his mother’s in Nova Scotia, BUT. . . he always enjoyed a good tale and as the wheel had been made in NH by Azel Wilder, I have never been positive of it’s true provenance. Still, he had had it and I was excited to get it.

Azel Wilder Wheel
Great wheel by Azel Wilder from my Grandfather
Click Images for full view

Now I needed to learn to spin. My friend, Wallie, made sure of that. We lived in Philadelphia and she found a lecture in a library, “just over the bridge’, in NJ. Given by fiber artist, Pam Pawl, it was all about spinning and its cousin weaving. Out of that meeting, a group of us formed the South Jersey Guild of Spinners and Handweavers. I was the guild’s second president.

I got a drop spindle, hand cards and some wool and learned to spin. Next was sending to New Zealand for my Ashford Spinning Wheel kit which I sanded, finished and put together. We had meetings at members’ homes, held Sheep to Shawl festivals, weaving shows, and learned to dye our own fiber. I made wonderful friends and learned my way around South Jersey.

Along the way I acquired a 4 harness counter balance loom and began weaving. Later a small Harrisville loom and a large AVL loom joined my world. Samples of my weaving are on Flickr.

4 harness counter blance loom
My first loom – had its limits but I loved it!

I’ve sold the AVL but still have the others. They are stored away but you never know. I still spin!

Preparing wool for spinning
Newspaper clipping of a Spinning/Dying event we held. So much fun!

Loom has found a home

September 8th, 2013

About 2 years ago I posted a single post announcing an old PA Barn Loom I had (in need of much repair) which I would gladly give to anyone willing to come get it.

Yesterday the loom left on its way to Kentucky with weaver, Ann Fife, to be restored and end up in Granville, TN where it will be used in weaving demos. Ann owns Ann’s Old Mill Restaurant in Fountain Run, Kentucky. —Also, check her out on Facebook!
Power of the Internet—I would never have found such a good home for this loom with out it!