Archive for June, 2014

Sun Never Sets

June 21st, 2014


Got to Helsinki late and tired and so looking forward to a hot shower and good nights sleep!

This image was taken about 10:30 from the elevator in my hotel.
One more flight to Oulu and then the fun begins!


June 19th, 2014

24hours of Daylight

Very excited- heading to northern Finland near the Arctic Circle for a print making class, Priint the Midnight Sun, taught by Shelley Thorstensen of Printmakers Open Forum in PA and Juha Laasko and Raija Korppila of Grafiikanpaja Aava in Finland.

Reasons I’m excited: 1. I always wanted to take a workshop with Shelley, 2. I’ve never been to Finland or this far north and 3. It will be over the Summer Solstice and it will be daylight for 24 hrs. (May have to sleep all day in order to see it…)

However, they are having an unusual cool spell and the highs will be in the 50’s and 40’s at night. Hard to pack for that when it’s in the 80’s and 90’s here.