Archive for May, 2015

iPhone Croquis

May 27th, 2015

When I teach figure drawing I work with each student but then leave them alone a bit to let them concentrate without my wandering the room. One day as they were working on croquis, I did some sketching of my own – on my iPhone – with my finger! Used Sketchbook Pro app. Bit of model, bit of students – Results were crying out to be put to use…

Croquis Pattern
Drawn on iPhone

Last night I joined a group on Tuesday evening who draw with a life model. This group concentrates on croquis for 3 hours. I will say I do like working with charcoal better! But this was fun and made the point that not having a sketchbook with one is no reason for not sketching… they ALWAYS have their phones with them!

Developing a sketch

May 22nd, 2015

Worked on this pattern yesterday and thought I’d show where it came from. I had created this page in my sketchbook using a large brush and very watery paint. I liked the contrast of colors and the bits of more opaque paint which reinforced the vertical lines

Original sketches
Watery shapes

I wanted to keep the watery design but wanted a small diamondish pattern. At first I removed the background and shaped up the diamonds freehand in photoshop. There were things I liked about it but I felt it was not a finished design.

Three colorways
Finished Design, Three color ways

In the final version I selected more hard edge shapes and worked with them. The variety of the shapes, none of which are true diamonds works with the loose ramdomness of the watercolor, while the hard edges give contrast. The black background came first, then, after explorations, I settled on the group of three. The only difference is the in background colors, yet they work well together and each stands on it’s own with it’s own feeling..


May 19th, 2015

Some of today’s work. Playing with black ink and yellow watercolor – some blue. Drawing on wet paper…much fun. It’s interesting how something so fun, enjoyable and beneficial is difficult to do on a daily basis. Hoping to establish a habit.

Love wet on wet.


May 14th, 2015

Working each day on my sketchbooks this summer. What a luxury!
Watercolor, markers, pen…

Some of this week’s work.