Archive for January, 2016

Sketchbook with circles

January 28th, 2016

Took a sketchbook workshop with Dionne Swift this month to jumpstart 2016. So much fun and down new roads… Theme was circles – encouraged to use lots of media, to write about circles, to revisit pages to just keep going.
Here are some cutouts that work with both the next page and the preceding page.

It was fun to just spend time without any direction, just working with circles and color and marks and materials.


January 6th, 2016

Holidays are over. Seems like they start in mid November and run until school is about to start! And I don’t get to post during that time! Was straightening up and came across some images I took of some of my favorite baskets from my collection. Many of these particular baskets belonged to my Grandmother. Thought I’d share them!

Some of my handspun wool in natural color with these small sweet baskets. Some was spun on the contemporary drop spindle and other on my Ashford wheel.
The jar with the woven covering is resting on a blanket called in my family, “The Indian Blanket”. It is actually an old Pendleton Blanket which was probably a wedding gift to my grandparents in 1914, but it was much loved and saw it’s later years as a covering for lots of “forts” my brothers and I made. I still have it today. It is covered with many zig zag stitch repairs

Blanket fort with Curt and Senter. Why Curt is drilling the ground no one knows.

Love this little basket with it’s Japanese thread snips and the set of nested baskets. The ribbon is formed into a small bag to wear on one’s wrist and carry small sewing supplies.