Archive for March, 2016

More Dyeing

March 29th, 2016

More dyeing with rust and tea. I’m especially interested in how this technique works on older fabrics, including those which are already printed. The patterns of the rust bits act as a unifying element.

Different existing fabrics

Second dyeing tests

March 11th, 2016

This is my second test of dyeing with teabags and rusty bits – here the bits were gears and I tried it for a shorter time on both cotton fabric and a bit of old lace. This time there was mainly neutral grays and blacks – no browns like the first go.

Dyeing test.

This time I tied the bundles with some white hand spun wool and let that get dyed as well. Just a small amount but I knit it up and love the kitten soft color I got!

quick sketching

March 5th, 2016

Picked up a new small sketchbook and decided to try for regular sketches – won’t say daily but that’s the idea. They are to have a textured background with a quick drawing done with a dip pen and no preliminary sketching etc – sort of with out lifting the pen from the paper but not quite. So each session I will do several drawings and prepare several backgrounds for the next time.

First go

Shoveling snow.

Sounds doable but then I discovered I had to have an operation and that put things on hold. But that’s over and done with so I’m back at it. The above drawings are the first 4, done the end of January. This is turning out to be very fun as I’m not sure what the result will be – just do it and on to the next one.