Archive for June, 2016

Beach Stones

June 13th, 2016

I love beach walking. Every time there is some thing new and my trip to NY was no different. The beach was long and at first looked uneventful, (except for the beautiful early morning light), but then I realized that things were white. White stones, white shells, white feathers. Here’s my haul from that day!

Beach stones and a feather

I bring these things home and set them out, move them about, and just enjoy looking at them and remembering that walk with its crashing waves and the only footprints were mine and the birds…mmmmmmmm….

This trip was the latest Hoax with my Garden Gal Friends from Moore (May 31-June3). Stayed at a wonderful house on the beach – my room looked over the ocean! Revisited Jack Lenor Larson’s Longhouse and gardens full of sculpture, and Robert Dash’s magical Madoo. We added a visit to Lee Krasner’s and Jackson Pollock’s studio and home in East Hampton and of course a visit to Mauders Nursery with balled trees and bushes as big as houses! Again, good friends, good food/drink, and lots of catching up.


June 5th, 2016

Still working with rust and tea. The test with plants didn’t work but I tried with cotton and perhaps I needed a mordant? The image on the right contains a stitched piece I did after watching Jude Hill’s “Spirit Cloth”. Hand stitching is a form of meditation (unless I would have to do it as mending…)

Not quite sure where these are going and I keep adding new samples.
In the mean time, I’m fascinated with the unpredictable nature of this work.