Archive for October, 2017

Moments of Wonder

October 29th, 2017

One of the great things about having a cell phone is that a camera is always with me. Perhaps not as versatile as my regular camera with it’s interchangeable lenses but the important thing is that it’s there. Whenever I’m walking or wandering about and see amazing pattern or colors I can take them home with me and they end up in my work. Lots of times we might be on a road trip or other planned event and I take my camera and sometimes images happen and sometimes they don’t but my cell is always with me capturing serendipitous unplanned moments of wonder. Here are a few from this summer. Some from Colorado, some from New England, some from walks in the Wissahickon here at home in Philadelphia.
[Click image for larger view.]

Image of twisted bark Image of rocks with greens and purples. Image of curved rocks

Image of bright orange bark Image of torn bark. Image of textured Bark

The textures and colors can keep me busy sketching and drawing for days, weeks, and much longer as my head swims with ideas for paint and fiber translations.

After the Fall

October 15th, 2017

Finally finished my second tapestry from the Rebecca Mezoff Colorado Workshop. We were working inspiration from our mountain experiences and I had fallen at (I later discovered) “Old Gulch Overlook” taking a picture of mountains – teach me to not pay attention to where I was going… and made a one point landing on my cheek. Not pretty! I wore dark glasses most of the time but one can’t weave with dark glasses on…My fellow workshop weavers had the brunt of the fall as they had to look at the dreadful bruise that over took half my face – I didn’t feel it until I would pass a mirror and then…. So this weaving is a thank you to them for making me feel comfortable.

image of tapestry

It was a wonderful workshop! Beautiful location, terrific new friends, and I learned so much! Thank you Rebecca!