Archive for February, 2018

Valentine Hearts

February 21st, 2018

Rebecca Mezoff has had a Valentine challenge for the past two years. And for the past two years I have been late but did get them done in February…

Image of Valentine Heart tapestry Image of Valentine Heart Tapestry

They were fun to do – used my Hokett loom and realized each time I incorporated my handspun. (Not the red and purple.) I still am working on curves and still have a long ways to go… but when I cut a warp off this little loom I put a new one on so it’s there waiting for me.

Bark Park

February 15th, 2018

Working on a tapestry design of tree branches and spent the morning at Morris Arboretum sketching trees. Came across an area I didn’t know about called a Bark Park.

Image of Bark Park sign

Had to take time from my sketching and shoot these wonderful textures.

Image of Tall Stewartia Bark Image of Paperbark Maple Bark

Image of Bark Image of Kaizuka Chinese Juniper Bark

New Loom

February 7th, 2018

Thought I’d end up getting a Mirrix loom but not for a year or so – then when I joined ATA I saw that I’d get 10% off if I got one within three months – so I figured I needed to see how it went sooner but then I saw they were having a 20% off on the one I wanted…so my cheap little heart spent money to save money… and guess what came today!!!

Image of my new Mirrix loom

In the mean time I thought I’d review basics as I know more in my brain than in my fingers and while I’d like to experiment with my 6 epi loom at 12 epi, I was still waiting for 20/6 warp which has not been available for several months – so I warped up my 8 epi and experimented with different wefts etc.

Image of my latest tests.

Been experimenting with Harrisville Highlands yarn and planning to place an order as I’m weak on spring colors – yellows, greens etc.

About 30 min after the Mirrix came I got an email from The Woolery that my 20/6 warp has been shipped. Opps – with this warp I want finer Weavers Bazaar yarn….. What’s a girl to do???