Archive for May, 2018

Abstraction workshop

May 23rd, 2018

Decided I needed to get back to painting and to try a new direction. Val Rossman‘s course, “Exploring Abstraction” at Woodmere was just the kick I needed. She let’s members use what ever media they wish and encourages each to explore their own path. I decided that since abstraction was out of my comfort zone, why not go all the way and explore new media. Sooo…, the first three weeks I worked in pastels and the second in acrylics. Also, since I tend to be a low chroma gal I thought I’d push color. Here are 3 of my first pastels:

image of work in pastel image of work in pastel image of work in pastel

All my professional life has been about telling stories. Now there is no story. Just paint what I am feeling. I work fairly fast, before I can think about things – ideas – content… and then once something is there I consider composition etc. I’ve used scratching, glazing, thick medium. I usually gesso the support first in colored gesso and then paint over it.

The last three weeks I decided to work with acrylics and here are some of them:

Image of Work in acrylic Image of Work in acrylic image of work in acrylic Image of Work in acrylic

Once I get over the feeling of being cut loose with out any plans etc, this is rather fun! Some of these images may be finished and some may get more work. The more I do, the more I learn, the less I know, but, I do feel they do have voices. I just have to learn to listen. I have one more class to go. Then I plan to add this new way of working/thinking to my previous work. We’ll see.