Archive for June, 2023

More Sketching

June 8th, 2023

Getting back to my sketching. Working with a variety of media.

Image of Mixed Media Sketch.
Mixed Media Sketch

The one below added ink with one of my home made brushes. I like it but think I get a bit carried away with the ink. Having too much fun!

Image of Mixed Media Sketch.
Need to not to get so excited about my media!

Garden Book-Sketching

June 5th, 2023

Well, my leg is healed – PT almost over, so all that’s good – Days have been warm and sunny. Sometimes it’s just wonderful to sit outside and enjoy the garden, the birds, and the sun.

Image of Garden book opened.
Opened traditionally

I’ve working on this project – on and off for a good while – sketching in the garden in a simple book that looks more complicated than it is. It’s all made from one sheet of paper, cut and folded. I love the way I can fold and arrange it in different ways so different pages appear next to each and how it can be opened in different ways. Fun to play with.

Image of Garden book.
Playing with folds
Image of Garden Book
Closeup of pages

I started by dying sections with tea and rusty objects-one of my quick and easy way to mark things up. Very serendipitous. Never sure of the result. Then the sketching began using pen and ink. Pages run into one and other. One day I might start a new area and another I’ll work back into a page. Our garden is very organic, and I wanted this book to convey that feeling. It’s nearing the end and I will have to deal with a cover – I have some ideas but it will probably tell me once it’s finished.