Print Class: Catching up

July 31st, 2011


My class instructor is Kay Healy and the workshop is run to allow each individual to work on their own project. It is a small (6 students) class and most of the others have more experience and came with a plan in mind. My plan is to experiment with as many different forms of printmaking as time, facilities, and my wits allow. Kay has arranged 4 outside lecturers to speak to us. Unfortunatly, I missed the first, Daniel Heyman, when I missed the second class, but have heard Sandra Davis, speak on “Cyanotypes”, and Katie Baldwin speak on “Relief and Letterpress”. Later Ben Woodward will speak on “Screenprinting, Wheatpasting and Public Art.

I was esp. interested in Katie Baldwin’s talk on Mokuhanga, a form of Japanese wood block printing.

In the mean time my first collagraph prints have dried and I’m showing the first one here. (The plate for this can be see in a previous post.) Here it is printed as an intaglio plate, with the ink in the recessions.

First collagraph print of this Fungus Series..

First collagraph print for the Fungus Series