
May 12th, 2005


This weekend we did weed—and weed and weed! We also drove to Primex and bought salt hay. I like salt hay in my herb garden—it looks more casual. We do need to mulch as it:
1. helps keep the weeds down and,
2. holds the moisture during our hot dry summers.
We use regular mulch in the rest of the yard but I like the salt hay here.

I bought two flax plants. The blue flowers are so wonderful and having a garden with dye plants and other textile plants I need flax. I had some before but they died out. One year I bought some and another I planted from seed. (The bought ones were wonderful but the seed ones were wimpy.)

Bob also bought a Spanish Jasmine and an metal obelisk for it to grow on. We plan to put it in a planter so we can take it inside in the winter.

Jasmine reminds us of the Hotel San Giorgio in Lenno on Lake Como in Italy. Sitting in their garden; being served white wine, prosciutto with melon; looking across the lake; smelling the jasmine growing up the walls… we’re asking a lot from this little plant and its new obelisk!