Archive for February, 2007

Waiting for Spring

February 25th, 2007

It’s the end of February and I’m starting to think of spring. We had a very warm fall. The holidays weren’t very cold—in fact the weekend after new years people were out in their shirt sleeves—but now it’s cold and has been for a while. Been wearing turtlenecks almost every day,
Starting to think about my garden. Thought I’d check it out daily and record the change of seasons. So here are images of the first day and the latest day. Yesterday was cold and crisp with a bright, blue sky. Today it has started to snow. (In the summer the sheep lives under some false Indigo and looks across at the lamb’s ears—some people get it some don’t and that’s ok.)
Check here for day by day Spring 2007 images.

February 24, 2007 – start of project
May 4, 2007 – last sheep entry