Archive for October, 2008

Color is Energy

October 29th, 2008

I’ll be speaking on Color Theory at The Quiltmakers of Boyertown this Wed (tonight) with my friend and partner in crime, Professor Jane Likens. Our presentation covers the physical properties of color, methods to study color and how different colors influence each other.

We feel that it is most important to understand the first bit, what color is,  in order to master the last, how colors influence each other. Not what paint is, or what dyes are, but what actual color is and how humans perceive it.

Color is Light and Light is Energy!
It is the small part of the electromagnetic spectrum of wave lengths that the human eye sees. When this Visual Spectrum is present we see white light. When individual wave lengths are viewed we see them as individual colors.


In the 1600’s Sir Isaac Newton proved the physical properties of color when he passed a light beam through a prism, refracting the white light into its separate wave lengths. (If you have a prism, look through it at a light source and notice what happens.)

I’ll discuss more on color in future posts.

If you are interested in having us speak to your organization, (or conduct workshops) contact me at or at 700 S. 10th St., Phila, PA, 19147

In the mean time—GO PHILLIES!!!

Go Phillies!!

October 17th, 2008

Go Phillies!

Philadelphia Skyline

Go Phillies!

Philly Phanatic

Go Phillies!

Play ball!

Obama Rally in Germantown, PA

October 12th, 2008

Yesterday I went to an Obama rally in Vernon Park here in Germantown, PA. Our friends, Ilene and Robert and Jane and Drew drove to our house and we walked over. We were in a half to three quarter mile long line. (The people who got up front went at 7:00, we went at 10:30.) We were lucky to get into the park before Obama finished speaking but even the line itself was wonderful. So many people of all types—ages, races, shapes and sizes—all smiling and being together.

Obama Rally

Obama rally
The line snaked up and down tiny streets in Germantown—some home owners sticking their heads out wondering what was going on and others placing speakers with music outside for the folk in line. It felt like one big party.

Afterward we went to Cafette, a wonderful restaurant in Chestnut Hill for lunch—it was a sparkling sunny day so we ate outside—many people at the café had their rally “Germantown for Obama” stickers on—we bought cookies to take back to Ilene and Robert’s house and ate on their deck not wanting the beautiful day to end.

Jane’s Carousel

October 1st, 2008

My friend, Jane, bought a Philadelphia Toboggan Company Carousel (PTC #61) at auction in 1984. It was built in 1922 for Idora Park in Youngstown, Ohio and has 48 horses and two chariots. Literally using an x-acto knife to remove layers of paint, Jane discovered the original colors and designs and now the fully restored carousel is up and running in all its glory.

Jane's CarouselJane's Carousel

Jane's CarouselJane's Carousel

Jane’s Carousel

Jane lives in DUMBO, (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) and wants to give the finished Carousel to the City of NY. It is currently in a building that is too small for public use and only runs for private showings.

Jane has established an organization—“Friends of Jane’s Carousel”—with the sole mission of securing a long-term home in the Brooklyn Bridge Park so that it may be enjoyed by as many people as possible.

If you wish to know more about this project she can be contacted at: