Archive for October, 2014

It’s a Start…

October 26th, 2014

The past two weekends I have attended a plein air workshop by Philadelphia artist Paul DuSold. The first Sat consisted of a lecture on landscape painter, Walter Elmer Schofield at Woodmere Art Museum. The next day we went to Daniel Garber’s studio and painted at Cuttalossa Farm in Lumberville, PA. Then this weekend we painted both days in the Wissahickon Valley here in Phila. Learned alot and now I have to put it in practice, starting by finishing these three.

3 paintings Plein air painting

Beginnings of 3 paintings from Paul DuSold Workshop and final day’s set up.

Been a while

October 25th, 2014

It’s been a while. Been busy with teaching, still working on my little boats woodcuts, been painting, studying with Paul DuSold, last Sun near New Hope and today and tomorrow in the Wissahickon. Beautiful fall days – so much to learn.

I sold the print I had on display in Finland. very exciting. Took awhile to figure the international finance involved in having payment from Finland end up in my bank. Paypal to the rescue!

Been drawing in charcoal – I’m having my students learn to draw with charcoal and it got me going. I having much fun with it!

Charcoal tools
Charcoal Tools!