Archive for January, 2021


January 25th, 2021

Well 2020 is finished with and 2021 has been off to a rocky start although the inauguration is hopeful—feels as though adults are back in the room. December was a rough month, couldn’t get into a holiday spirit, although I did put lights in our windows, one batch of cookies, and made our card.

Image of Christmas card
My previous Christmas cards can be seen HERE.

Wasn’t in a mood for a fancy tree and came up with this.
Image of Christmas tree
Started as a joke but we kind of liked it so, tree it was!

Missed our family and friends. Did several zoom gatherings—one with “The Garden Gals” and one with “The Rudes”—two groups of friends that mean the world to me. And Facetime with Kevan, Erin and the boys. Great to touch base, but I can’t wait to give and get real hugs! The pandemic has gotten old… and I know I’m one of the lucky ones, fairly healthy, can work from home, family grown so I’m not worried about virtual school, food delivered, etc.

Hard to get into my studio. I so envy artists who have been able to keep painting and get their work out there. I try but the results are forced. I have been sketching and reading, some fiber work, and designed a shop page for my site but even that doesn’t have my heart in it.

But today for the first time in months I’m feeling like painting. So, this is good!