Palette, Rags and Brushes
I’ve decided to get serious about my painting and since it has been so long since I’ve worked with oils, I’m taking a class at Woodmere. The class I signed up for was canceled and I was offered this one which is turning out for the best. The instructor is having me drop back and copy the work of other artists to practice skills etc. And while I’m chaffing at the bit to jump right in, I can see my work getting better. It forces me to slow down and think about the decisions others made when they painted their originals—how they handled the paint, depth, color etc. Things I know in my head but my hands don’t necessarily do what I want the first go. I’m working with landscapes and looking forward to applying what I’m learning to my own work. I’m excited and anxious about this which is a good place to be.
Some paintings from workshop.