Archive for August, 2010

Ireland to Ballycastle

August 18th, 2010

This morning we woke to a bright sunny day and as we were getting breakfast, it began to rain with the sun out—sure enough my first Irish Rainbow—right over our cottage!


Irish Rainbow

I don’t have internet access where I’m living so these posts may be a day late.
Lots of driving through a incredible country side—The Connemara, on the west coast of Ireland. Hedges 10 feet high of fuchsia, mountain sides glowing with golden Broom and purple Heather, orange flowers everywhere. )The roads are very narrow!
Left Clifden and drove the “Sky Road” which goes high in the hills overlooking Ballymakill Harbor and the Atlantic.

narrow road castle

Very Narrow roads and even a castle!

ponies ponies

Lots of ponies—this is a great area for ponies!

There are a number of handcraft shops but most are pretty touristy, BUT, Cottage Handcrafts in Mayard, Co. Galway is far and above the others I saw.

Then back to the N59 through Letterfreck to Leenaun—more magic —lots of sheep, lots and lots and lots of sheep! At Leenaun we stopped at The Sheep and Wool Center where they had sheep shearing, spinning and weaving demos. I bought a small bag of fleece to spin when I get home. from a Manx Loaghtan, which is a rare four horned sheep – pretty natural tans and browns.

sheep sjearing sheep

Lots of sheep—this is a great area for sheep!

By then we were running late and so we headed straight to Ballycastle with a quick stop in Westport to find a mac machine, get gas and call Ballinglen.

We met Una, who took us to our cottage, I unpacked while Bob drove back to Ballycastle to get supplies for supper. He went to Polk’s which has everything. It’s a grocery store and bar combo and meets most basic needs. he came back with wine, pork chops, carrots and parsnips, and, my mother will be pleased, Irish potatoes. We feasted by candle light, looking out over fuchsia hedges, past fields with cows grazing to the North Atlantic!

Connemara Ireland

August 17th, 2010

Up early yesterday and picked up our rental car. Good location as straight shot out of Dublin to the N6 – divided highway – so had to drive on left for a while. Were used to it by the time we hit country roads. Straight across Ireland to the WEST. Lots of farm land, sheep cows and bails of hay. Very textural landscape. Hilly with stone walls as we got more west.

Spent some time south of Galway around the Burren and decided to go to Connemera. N6 around Galway has the most circles or roundabouts I’ve ever seen but they make it very easy to get past the city. Got to N59 and stayed there! Most beautiful magical drive trough barren mountains and lakes with lots of heather and sheep. misty then rainy. Stayed in Clifden at the Benbaun House just outside the town center—turn left at the Esso station and it’s just up the hill on the left—can walk into town. Dinner at Mitchell’s—wonderful seafood. Waiters a bit too full of them selves. . .

Just had a full Irish breakfast and we’re off to Achill Island and then to Ballycastle.
Sorry, no images will post some next time.


August 16th, 2010

Book of Kells Sign

Can’t take pictures inside!

Flew into Dublin Airport and took a cab to our Hotel—The Clarence at 6-8 Wellington Quay. It was too early to check in so we left our luggage, had a light breakfast at the hotel and set out. First order of the day was Trinity College and the Book of Kells which was created c. 800 AD. We’d been told the lines get pretty long as the day went on so . . .

Line to see book of Kells

Here’s the line as we left—and growing.

Next, we walked over to St. Stephens Green and wonderful, beautiful park in the center of Dublin, grabbed lunch and at 2:00 Went to the National Archeological Museum. We’d seen a lot of their gold collection when it had been on display at the Philadelphia Art Museum, years ago but I wanted to see the Bog man exhibit.

Where has this summer gone?

August 12th, 2010

Been too hot and buggy to enjoy my garden. Lots of time spent trying to wrap my head around HTML5 and CSS3 for web work. Did get to see Kevan, Erin, Cooper and Fletcher one weekend.

Will be heading for IRELAND soon on a job/vacation. One of my clients, has an arts foundation in County Mayo and they want to increase it’s web presence so I’ll be meeting with the people there to get a feel of the operation and the area. Bob is coming as well as I want him to shoot video for it. We are going a few days earlier to do a little touristing in Dublin and on the west coast and then will stay in a cottage on the North Atlantic. Not to shabby.

Never been to Ireland, hope to see the Book of Kells and do some hiking. Then back as school starts the next morning. I enjoy projects like this (duh) for the obvious but also because the time spent working on it after I return is like my head is still there.

Don’t know if I will have much internet, certainly not in our cottage so that will take some getting used to but if I do, I’ll post about it.

Oh, never did get a fig tree.