Archive for April, 2017

Rusty Bits on Paper

April 28th, 2017

Continued to work with Rusty Bits. Balancing the amount of tea and the effect of the various rusty bits. Have some wonderful diagonals from Jay and some wonderfully round rusty bolts from a pier in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia… I like the fact that I know where the bits came from and that they represent experiences and interactions to me.

Rusty Bit printing on paper with tea bag
Print from Rusty Bits and morning tea bag.

This piece has more textures than some and has wonderful fine lines which are more easly seen in the larger view.

Will post some more in the future. I love the fact that while I can adjust the tea and rust—even the type of paper makes a difference—the result is a wonderful surprise! I’m working on some stitched fabric that I can try with this—printing the rusty patterns after the stitching.

Spun Linen

April 23rd, 2017

Cleaning up and I came across this skein of hand spun linen I did a while ago – pretty rough but I like it’s character.

spun linen
rough hand spinning from flax!

Fountain Pen Sketching

April 19th, 2017

I like sketching with pen and ink but taking a bottle of ink on location is a bit daunting so I’m exploring fountain pens. I’ve also been trying out a water brush and am working with the two together. First I drew some supplies on my desk – next some small bottles of nail polish I was about to throw out – (have decided I really only like natural colors – so out with the reds, the greens and the blues…)

art Supplies sketches of jars
Quick sketches of things on my table

Tried it out on people sketching and buildings outside. All were very quick sketches – each perhaps five minutes at most (house a bit more…but just a bit).

Quick sketch sketch of house
Quick sketch of Bob on phone and of the Back of my house

This is very fun and I like not worrying about spilling ink but I’m going to look for a pen that gives even more of a thick/thin line.